Some of the reasons why your companions dislike each other:.The AI horseback pathfinding seems to have problems with walls and generally doesn't understand couching lances, so the matches often end up with everyone but you crowded around a single corner, ineffectually poking each other with their lances until you break them up. If you ever enter a tournament in one of the Swadian cities, there's a chance one of the fights will have everyone on a horse with a jousting lance.Your accuracy stays as perfect as if you were standing still, leading to the amusing mental image of the powerful and wealthy warlord hopping in place, intermittently shooting arrows while the rest of the soldiers look on.
Watch as they put their bows away and ineffectually swipe at each other in a vague approximation of a fist fight, until someone else spawns and clots the both of them over the head with a proper melee weapon.